The Future of Brand Storytelling: Trends to Watch Through the Jobs-to-be-Done Lens

Learn more about future storytelling trends through the JTBD lens

The Future of Brand Storytelling: Trends to Watch Through the Jobs-to-be-Done Lens

In the ever-evolving world of marketing, staying ahead of the curve is not just a goal—it's a necessity.

As we look to the future, how do we ensure our narratives remain impactful?

The answer lies in understanding emerging trends through the Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) framework. Let's delve into the future of brand storytelling and the trends that will shape it.

Jobs-To-Be-Done Framework

At its core, the JTBD theory offers a simple yet profound insight: consumers don't just purchase products or services on a whim. They "hire" them to accomplish specific "jobs" or tasks in their lives. These jobs can be as straightforward as quenching thirst with a drink or as complex as seeking a sense of belonging through a community-driven brand.

But what does this mean for brand storytelling? It means we're in for a big shift. Instead of focusing solely on the product or service, brands need to delve deeper, understanding the underlying jobs their audience is trying to accomplish. By doing so, they can craft narratives that address both the tangible and intangible needs of their consumers.

For instance, consider a Kiwi purchasing a pair of eco-friendly shoes. On the surface, the job might seem simple: they need footwear. But delve deeper, and you might find they're also seeking to make eco-conscious choices, align with sustainable brands, and make a statement about their personal values. The JTBD framework encourages brands to uncover and address these deeper motivations.

Brand Storytelling and JTBD

New Zealand, with its rich tapestry of cultures and values, offers a unique backdrop for brand storytelling. Kiwis are known for their strong connection to the land, their community-driven spirit, and their discerning consumer habits. Brands operating in this landscape need to be acutely aware of these nuances, tailoring their narratives to resonate with the local audience.

For instance, a brand promoting outdoor gear in New Zealand can't just focus on the functionality of their products. Through the JTBD lens, they need to address the deeper jobs Kiwis are looking to fulfill: the desire for adventure, the connection to the stunning landscapes of Aotearoa, and the sense of camaraderie during outdoor pursuits.

As we navigate the intricate world of modern marketing, the JTBD framework emerges as a beacon, guiding brands towards narratives that truly resonate. It's not just about selling a product; it's about understanding the deeper jobs consumers are trying to accomplish and crafting stories that address these needs. In the subsequent parts, we'll delve deeper into emerging trends in brand storytelling and explore how they're shaping the future of marketing in New Zealand and beyond.

Emerging Trends in Brand Storytelling:

Consumers are no longer satisfied with generic, one-size-fits-all content. They crave experiences and narratives tailored specifically to their preferences, needs, and aspirations. This shift towards hyper-personalisation isn't just a fleeting trend; it's rapidly becoming the gold standard in brand storytelling, especially in the diverse and discerning market of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Harnessing Technology for Tailored Narratives

The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced data analytics has revolutionised the way brands approach storytelling. These technologies enable brands to gather, analyse, and interpret vast amounts of consumer data in real-time, offering insights that were previously unimaginable.

Imagine a Kiwi consumer browsing an online store for hiking gear. Advanced algorithms can track their browsing patterns, purchase history, and even the time they spend on specific products. This data, when processed through the JTBD lens, can reveal not just what products they might be interested in, but also the deeper "jobs" they're looking to fulfil. Perhaps they're planning a hiking trip to the South Island, seeking both adventure and a reconnection with nature. Brands can harness this insight to craft a personalised narrative, offering not just product recommendations but also content that resonates with the consumer's current journey.

Sustainability and Authenticity

New Zealanders, with their deep-rooted connection to the land and a strong sense of community, are increasingly aligning with brands that reflect their values. The "job" here goes beyond mere product consumption. Kiwis are "hiring" brands to help them express their identity, align with sustainable practices, and make ethical choices.

Brands that recognise this shift are weaving sustainability and authenticity into their core narratives. It's not just about showcasing eco-friendly products; it's about narrating the brand's journey towards sustainability, highlighting genuine efforts, and fostering a community of like-minded consumers. Through the JTBD framework, this narrative approach addresses the deeper job of allowing consumers to align with and support brands that mirror their values.

More alignment = Better Story = More sales

The Challenge and Opportunity of Short-Form Visual Stories

The global rise of platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels has ushered in a new era of bite-sized visual narratives. These short, engaging clips offer brands a unique challenge and opportunity. The challenge? Conveying a compelling story in a limited timeframe. The opportunity? Reaching a vast, engaged audience hungry for content.

For New Zealand brands, this trend offers a chance to showcase the country's stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and unique products in easily digestible, shareable formats. Through the JTBD lens, these platforms fulfil the consumer's job of seeking quick, visually appealing content that resonates with their interests and values.

As technology continues to reshape the landscape of brand storytelling, the brands that thrive will be those that embrace hyper-personalisation, authenticity, and the power of short-form visual content. By understanding and addressing the evolving "jobs" of their audience, brands can craft narratives that not only stand out but also deeply resonate.

The Multi-Platform Challenge

In the ever-expanding digital universe, brands are presented with a plethora of platforms to share their narratives. From traditional websites and blogs to social media giants and emerging platforms, the choices are vast. However, with this abundance comes the challenge of maintaining a consistent brand voice while tailoring content to each platform's unique strengths and audience.

For Kiwi brands, understanding the nuances of each platform and the preferences of their users is crucial. A narrative that resonates on Facebook might not have the same impact on LinkedIn. Similarly, the storytelling approach for Instagram might differ from that of TikTok, even if the core message remains the same.

Interactive Content

Interactive content, such as polls, quizzes, and augmented reality experiences, is rapidly gaining traction in the digital storytelling realm. These formats not only engage the audience but also offer valuable insights into their preferences, behaviours, and "jobs" they're looking to fulfil.

In the New Zealand context, where consumers value engagement and connection, interactive content can be a game-changer. For instance, a brand promoting Kiwi adventures might use an interactive quiz to help users discover their next local holiday destination, aligning with the "job" of seeking new experiences within Aotearoa.

Podcasts and Audio Content: The Power of Voice

While visual content has dominated the digital space for years, there's a growing appreciation for the intimacy and authenticity of audio content. Podcasts, in particular, have seen a surge in popularity, offering brands a platform to delve deeper into topics, share behind-the-scenes insights, and connect with their audience on a personal level.

Kiwi brands can harness the power of audio storytelling to address the "job" of consumers seeking in-depth content that they can consume on the go, whether they're commuting, exercising, or simply relaxing.

Digital Narratives

In the digital age, storytelling isn't a static endeavour. It's a fluid process, constantly evolving in response to shifts in consumer behaviour, technological advancements, and market dynamics. For Kiwi brands, this means that the stories they tell today might need to be tweaked, reimagined, or even overhauled tomorrow.


While intuition and creativity play pivotal roles in crafting compelling narratives, data-driven insights are the compass that guides modern storytelling. Analytics tools offer a treasure trove of information, from which content pieces resonate most with the audience to the optimal times for posting on social media.

In the New Zealand context, where the digital landscape is as diverse as its natural beauty, understanding regional preferences, cultural nuances, and local trends is crucial. Analytics can shed light on what a North Island audience prefers compared to their South Island counterparts or how urban and rural consumers differ in their content consumption habits.

Our Thoughts

Into the future, the art and science of brand storytelling will continue to evolve. New platforms will emerge, consumer preferences will shift, and technological advancements will reshape the digital landscape. However, at the heart of it all will remain the age-old art of storytelling.

For Kiwi brands, the challenge and opportunity lie in weaving narratives that not only resonate today but also have the flexibility to evolve tomorrow. In this ever-changing dance, the brands that listen, adapt, and continuously refine their stories will be the ones that not only survive but thrive.

By blending time-tested storytelling techniques with modern tools, analytics, and feedback mechanisms, brands can ensure their narratives remain impactful, relevant, and deeply resonant with their audience. The journey of storytelling is endless, and for those willing to adapt and evolve, the rewards are boundless.

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